
篇一:《高中英语写作课-Say No to Smoking》


No to Smoking

Say No to Smoking


1. To understand a letter of advice

2. To express one's idea and suggestion on stop-smoking

3. To collect and sort connecting words and phrases

4. To learn how to organize a suggestion

5. To do self-assessment


I think, I believe, in my opinion, I agree, I disagree

The chief reason lies in…

First, further, and then, besides, in addition, moreover, next, still, too although, and yet, at the same time, even so, however, on the other hand, otherwise, in all, in a word, finally, in brief, in short, therefore Grouping:

Groups of four

Group A and Group B

Task: Writing a Letter to those who smoke by using the following words. Delay Distraction Drink water Deep breathing

Make a plan Set a date Keep busy Ddevelop new interests Procedure:


Lead-in Video show (an advertisement on non-smoking)


In the United Kingdom, smoking causes 121,000 deaths a year. During the 1990s, 21 million people died as a result of smoking c


A quarter of young people who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a

day will die prematurely as a result of smoking.

Thirteen people die every hour from illnessses related to smoking t

obacco, such as cancer, bronchitis and heart disease.

Every year, about 200 people are killed and 2,000 are seriously inj

ured in fires caused by smoking.

Step 1 Vocabulary Collection Brainstorm

A. Why do people smoke cigarettes?

As for students, (such as friends, classmates, brothers, etc.)

A). ___________________________________________

B). ___________________________________________

C). ___________________________________________ D). ___________________________________________











Think it is fashion.

Stress of study.

pressure of family.


Why do teenagers take drugs.

Teenagers gave the following reasons in order of importance: To cope their friends and to look cool;

So as to have a good time and to feel good;

In order to see what it is like and to experience something new; So as to be like adults, but to be different from their parents; Because the drugs are cheap and easy to buy;

Because they have nothing better to do with their time.

B. What will happen if someone smoke too much?

A). __________ _________________________________

B). __________ _________________________________

C). __________ _________________________________

D). __________ _________________________________

Stpe2 Say no to smoking

Filling the blank according to the Chinese meaning.

I Swear,我宣誓:

1. I will start here, to from smoking, to say "No" to the first to form a healthy living .


2. I will start here, to help those students smoke stop to establish a tobacco-free school.


3. I will start here, to persuade my parents and relatives

smoking, to build a harmonious, tobacco-free family.


4. I will start here, to help those who smoking, to the anti-smoking advertising activities, to construct a healthy, civilized and society.


Let's start here to try together right now, say "No!" to tobacco for a living condition in the uping future.




I Swear,我宣誓:

1. I will start here, to smoking, to say "No" to the first , to form a healthy living .要从我做起,远离烟草毒害,拒吸第一支烟,养成良好的健康生活习惯。

2. I will start here, to help those students smoke stop , to establish a tobacco-free school. 要从在校做起,积极帮助身边吸烟的同学戒烟,建设无烟学校。

3. I will start here, to persuade my parents and relatives smoking, to build a harmonious, tobacco-free family. 要从在家做起,说服家里的长辈和亲戚们戒烟,创建健康和谐的无烟家庭。

4. I will start here, to help those who smoking, to the anti-smoking advertising activities, to construct a healthy, civilized and society. 要从身边做起,主动帮助受烟草危害的朋友们,积极参与公共场所禁烟宣传活动,在全社会营造文明健康的无烟氛围。

Let's start here to try together right now, say "No!" to tobacco for a living condition in the uping future. 让我们马上行动起来,从今天做起,对烟草说“不!”。为一个健康无烟的生存环境而共同努力! Signature宣誓人:


Stop Smoking Now - We can Help!

In almost every US city and town, there are local organisations to help people stop smoking. Participants learn to recognise smoking triggers (things that start them smoking) and they try to set a date in the future when they will stop smoking.

One of the most popular and successful is the California Smokers' Helpline. Here is an extract from one of their leaflets.

When you really want a cigarette -- try the four Ds:

1 Delay: Look at your watch and wait for a couple of minutes. If you can wait two minutes, you won't want to smoke.

2. Distraction: Whatever you're doing when you want to smoke -- do something else! For example, if you're alone, find someone to talk to. If you're sitting down, take a short walk.

3. Drink water: If you drink water, you reduce the need to have something in your mouth.

4. Deep breathing: Breathe in slowly and deeply. Count to five when your lungs are full. The breathe out slowly. Repeat several times. And here are some ideas to help people to give up smoking:

1. Make a plan: make a list of friends who smoke and places where you smoke. Don't see those people and don't go to those places.

2. Set a date when you're going to stop: Choose a time when you will be relaxed but also too busy to think about smoking.

3. Keep busy: Instead of smoking, make a phone call, take a short walk, talk with a friend.

4. Develop new interests: Exercise -- walking, biking, jogging, swimming, or taking a gymnastic class-- helps you to forget about cigarettes. Step 3 Speaking

1. The tips to help you forget the cigarette.

A. ___________: ___________________________________________________

B. ___________: _________________________________________________

C. ___________: ________________________________________________

D.___________: __________________________________________________




Drink water.

Deep breathing.

2. The ideas to help you give up smoking.

A. ___________: __________________________________________________

B. ___________: __________________________________________________

C. ___________: ___________________________________________


D.___________: ___________________________________________________


Make a plan.

Set a date when you're going to stop.

Keep busy.

Develop new interests.

Step 4 Writing a Letter to those who smoke by using given words.

1. Writing a Letter to those who smoke by using the following wo


Delay Distraction Drink water Deep breathing

Make a plan Set a date Keep busy Ddevelop new interests Dear __________,


1. Students write.

2. Teacher explanation.

Step 5 Reflection and Assignments:

A. Make suggestions: A Letter to help you go on

I think you’d better_____________________ before you go on

You must/ should/ ought to/ need_________________________________.

It is better to ______________________if_________________________.

It would be much better if you _______________________. Take care when ______________________________________________.

Don’t forget that ____________________________________________.

Take care not to ____________________in case of(以防)_____________

In my opinion, it’s important to___________________________________.

篇二:《反对种族歧视 Say No to The Racism》

Say No to The Racism

The Information from The Test

From the test “Invisible Man” , we learned that in the white-dominated society, the American black are under plete control of the white men. They were forced to fight with each other to entertain the white men. What was worse, after the fighting they were put to the eletric rug. We can learn how inhuman the white men were from what they had done to the black people. It is so unfair and unequal that the black had to suffer from the insults and humiliation. The article showed us narrator’s desperate struggle to be seen as a human being in the society.

The History of Racism

The racism has exited for such a long time in the American history. Actually, the root of racism could be traced back to the time when Columbus discovered the New Continent. The people who lived there attracted the greedy businessman very much. So thousands of millions of blacks were caught and transported to the America to do the labor. From that time, the black people had been forced to leave their homeland and lived in America, suffered a living of dirty, thirsty, hunger and disease. Many black people died because they lived in the awful living condition but had nobody take care of them. After they died or nearly got die, they were just thrown into the sea. The white people took it for granted that the black people should work for them all day and night and they had to do all kinds of labors. So they had no liberty and political rights, not mention to the right to accept education. That was one reason for they were discriminated was that they didn’t have knowledge. We can see that from the start of the history of America, black people were put to a much more lower status than any other races. There was a long way for them to reach their freedom and equality.

The Current Situation of Racism

When there is oppression there is a revolution. It could be foreseen that the black would begin to fight back one day after being oppressed for such a long time. More than 600,000 men lost their lives in the Civil War in 1860. We all know the cause of the war was slavery. Then finally the history of the slavery in America was ended by the Civil War. A series of laws were justified to abolish the racial segregation and discrimination after the war. Though the black could enjoy the right to get access to the school, hospital and transportation, they still were deprived of the right to enjoy the same conditions as the white people. It’s hard for them to find a job or they could get a good pay even if they had get one. They still lived in the poverty.

Racism Will Die out in the Future

From the developing of the American history, I think the racism will throughly die out in the nearly future. The American have changed their concept. They began to accept the interracial marrige. Many players in the NBA are black

people. They voted Condoleezza Rice to be their Assistant Secretary. And now they chose Obama to be their president. Many people realized it’s not the black people’s fault. It’s ridiculous to discriminate them just because their skin is black. What is more, black people make great contribution to the American socity and the role they play is being essential. In conclusion, I believe racism will die out one day.






John was nine years old. He was not a very good pupil. He

did not like doing his homework, but he liked playing game 1.__________ with his little friends in his free times. When he did his homework, 2.__________ he always made a lot of mistakes. Then one day, John’s math teacher 3.__________ went over his homework and saw that all his answers were wrong. 4.__________ He was surprising instead of being pleased. He called John to his 5.__________ office and asked him to explain what happened. “You got all 6.__________ your math questions right this time, John. Did anyone helped you?” 7._________ In fact John’s father often helped him with his lessons,and that evening, 8.__________ he was not able to, because he was at home, So John answered, 9.__________ “No, Sir, my father was busy last night, so I have had to do it all by myself.




I’m writing to tell you everything about my 1.__________ hometown. Now I live in Briton, a small town, that has 2.__________ a population of around 30000. It is on coast about 50 3.__________ miles from London. It isn’t so interesting like London, 4.__________ but the air is much cleaner. Though it has a few pollution in my 5.__________ hometown, there’re many hotels and language school here. 6.__________ In summer, it is full of travelers. My father was used to 7._________ work in a steel plant before he lose his job last year. He 8.__________ really wants to open a small shop, but he’s shorts of money. 9.__________ He hopes that if he can borrow some money from the bank. 10._________



My friend Ted likes climb. Last summer holiday, his uncle 1.__________ invited him to go to Switzerland. The mountains were tall there. 2.__________ They went to Switzerland by the train and had a very good holiday. 3.__________ They climbed several mountains. Once, Ted’s uncle tied him by 4.__________ a rope because the mountains were rather steep. At the end of the 5.__________ holiday he said to Ted, “You are still very young,so you already 6.__________ climb well.” Ted was very glad. Now Ted wants to go to Indian 7._________ to climb some of the very high mountain in the Himalayas, but he 8.__________ is still young, and he has got enough money, Perhaps 9.__________ some day he have enough money and then he can go to India. 10._________


假如你叫李芳, 是北京一中高二学生,国际友谊俱乐部根据你提出的要求,把美国朋友凯特介绍给你做笔友。现在请你写一封信给凯特,表达愿意与她交友的愿望,并提供有关自己的信息(如下表所示),询问对方学习、生活和家庭方面的情况。词数:100左右。

An accident happened in the corner of Main Street this 1.__________ morning, when the ground was wet after a heavy rain. A truck 2.__________ carrying chemicals knocked into a car ran at a high speed. 3.__________ A fire broke immediately with a terrible smell. The driver 4.__________ of the truck and two people in the car are killed, and five 5.__________ other people were injured. Not until five hours later the 6.__________ traffic return to the normal. According to the police, 7._________ the cause of the accident is still unknown, and they think 8.__________ the wet ground and the careless of the truck driver 9.__________ may be all responsible for this serious traffic accident. 10._________

