


1. =Beowul= can be termed England’s national epic and its hero Beowulf—one of the national

heroes of the English people.贝奥武夫(有记载的最早的一部英国文学作品)

2. The literature of Anglo-Saxon period falls naturally into two divisions, --=( Pagan ) and

Christian=.The former represents the poetry which the Anglo-Saxons probably brought with them in the form of =oral sagas=, --the crude material out of which literature was slowly developed on English soil; the latter represents the =writings=developed under teaching of the monks.盎格鲁-撒克逊时期的文学自然地分成两个部门,——(异教徒)和基督教。前者代表了诗歌的盎格鲁撒克逊人可能带来的形式口头传说,原油材料文献在慢慢开发英语土壤;他后者代表作品在教学的僧侣。

3. The Song of Beowulf reflects events which took place on the

=European Continent=approximately at the beginning of the 6th century, when the forefathers of theJutes lived in the southern part of the =Scandinavian peninsula=.

4. The old English poetry can be divided into two groups: the =secular=poetry and the

=religious= poetry. 世俗诗歌和宗教诗歌。

5. =(Beowulf)=is the oldest poem in the English language, and also the oldest surviving epic in

the English language. 史诗


1. __c_____ is the first important religious poet in English literature.凯德蒙(公元7世纪盎格鲁-


A. John Donne B. George Herbert C. Caedmon D. Milton

2. In Anglo-Saxon period, Beowulf represented the __=pagan=__ poetry.异教徒;无宗教信仰者

1. In the year =1066=, at the battle of =Hasting= 黑斯廷(英国东萨塞克斯郡濒临加来海峡的城市), the Normans headed by William, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-Saxons.

2. The literature which Normans brought to England is remarkable for its bright, romantic tales of =love and adventures=, in marked contrast with the =strength and somberness= of Anglo-Saxon poetry.盎格鲁撒克逊提倡力量和暗淡

3. The literature of the Anglo –Norman period was of three classes: the matter of _________; matter of __________________; matter of ___________.

4. After the =Norman=Conquest, feudal system was established in English society.

5. the most prevalent kind of literature in feudal England was =romance=. It was a long position, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventure of a noble hero.

Geoffrey Chaucer

杰弗里·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1342年-1400年),英国中世纪著名作家,出生于一个酒商家庭。1359年随爱德华三世的部队远征法国,被法军俘虏,不久以黄金赎回。


1. Geoffrey Chaucer, the “=father of English poetry=” and one of the greatest narrative poets叙事诗人 of England, was born in London in or about the year 1340.

2. Being especially fond of the great =Italian= writer Boccaccio, Chaucer poses a long narrative poem=Troilus and Cressie=, based upon Boccaccio’s poem Filostrato Chaucer's.

3. Chaucer greatly contributed to the founding of the English literary language, the basis of which was formed by the =London= dialect, so profusely丰富的 used by the poet.

4. Chaucer’s masterpiece is杰作=The Canterbury Tales=坎特伯雷故事集(著作名), one of the most famous works in all literature.

5. The Prologue序言 is a splendid masterpiece of Romantic portrayal, the first of its kind in the history of English literature.序言是一个辉煌的杰作的浪漫形象,首次在英语文学的历史。

6. In his greatest work, The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer created a strikingly brilliant and picturesque panorama of histime and his country.


6. Chaucer’s work is permeated with buoyant free-thinking, so characteristic of the age of

Renaissance whose immediate forerunner Chaucer thus bees.英国浪漫文学当之无愧的先驱

1. The 16thcentury in England was a period of the breaking up of _feudal_ relations

and the establishing of the foundations of __ capitalism __.

2. The 16th century was a time when, according to Thomas More, “sheep devoured


3. The term Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classic Greek and Roman

arts and sciences after the dark ages of obscurantism. 文艺复兴一词最初显示的复兴古典希腊和罗马艺术与科学在蒙昧主义的黑暗时代。

4. King Henry the VIII broke off with the Pope, dissolved all the monasteries and

abbeys in the country, confiscated their lands and proclaimed himself head of Church of England.国王亨利八世与教皇断绝了,解散了所有的修道院和修道院,没收他们的土地,宣布自己成为英格兰教会的负责人。

5. The old English aristocracy having exterminated in the course of War of the Roses,

a new nobility, totally dependent on the king’s power, came to the fore.古老的英国贵族消灭在玫瑰战争的过程中,新贵族,完全依赖国王的权力,开始崭露头角。

6. At the beginning of the 16th century the outstanding humanist Thomas More

wrote his Utopia in which he gave a profound and truthful picture of the people’s sufferings and put forward his ideal of a future happy society.

7. Edmund Spenser埃德蒙·斯宾塞(人名) was the author of the greatest epic poem of

the time, The Faire Queen.

8. The greatest of the pioneers of English drama was William Shakespeare who

reformed that genre in England and perfected the language and verse of dramatic works.最伟大的英国戏剧是莎士比亚改革的先驱,在英格兰和完善语言和诗歌流派的戏剧作品。

9. William Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon史特

拉福, Warwickshire.

10. Hamletspeaks the famous “To be, or not to be”

11. Shakespeare’s sonnets fall into two series: The first 126 sonnets are addressed to

a young man, and the rest (except the last two ones) are addressed to dark lady.黑暗淑女

12. The four great tragedies in Shakespeare’s mature period are Hamlet, Othello, King

Lear and Macbeth.哈姆雷特,奥赛罗,《李尔王》和《麦克白》。

13. Pope describe Francis Bacon as “the wisest, brightest, and meanest of mankind”.教皇培根描述为“最聪明的,最聪明的,最差的人类”。

14. Of Bacon’s literary works, the most important are the Essays.

1. The 17th century was a period when absolute monarchy impeded the further development of capitalismin England and the bourgeoisie could no longer bear the sway of landed nobility.17世纪是一个君主专制时期阻碍了资本主义的进一步发展,在英格兰和资产阶级再也无法忍受贵族地主的影响。

2. There are religious division and confusion and a long bitter struggle between the people’s Parliament and the Throne--Puritansfighting against the Cavalierswho helped the king.清教徒与骑士

3. In 1653, Oliver Cromwell imposed a military dictatorship on the country; after his death monarchy was again restored. It was called the period of the Restoration.1653年,克伦威尔强加一个军事独裁国家,君主在他死后又恢复。它被称为复辟时代。

4. In1688, the Glorious Revolution took place.

5. The Glorious Revolution meant three things: the supremacy of Parliament,议会 the beginning of modern England, and the final triumph of the principle of political liberty.

6. The puritans believed in simplicityof life.清教徒信奉简朴的生活。

7. Restoration created a literature of its own that was often witty and clever, but on the wholeimmoral and cynical. The most popular genre was that of edy whose chief aim was to entertain the licentious aristocrats.恢复了自己的文学,内容诙谐幽默,聪明,但总的来说不道德的、愤世嫉俗的。最常见的类型是喜剧的主要目的是为了娱乐那些放肆的贵族。

8. The first thing to strike the reader is Donne’s extraordinary frankness and penetrating realism. The next is the _cynicism __ which marks certain of the lighter poems and which represents a conscious reaction from the extreme _idealism __ of woman encouraged by the Petrarchan tradition.

9. The poems of John Donne belong to two categories: the youthful love lyrics, and the latter sacred verses.约翰·多恩的诗歌属于两类:年轻的爱歌词,后者神圣的经文。

10. Milton opposed the Monarchicparty and gave all his energies to the writing of pamphlets dedicated to the people’s liberties. 弥尔顿反对君主的党,给了他所有的精力写小册子致力于人民的自由。{18世纪基督教英国文学中的清教文学,代表了资产阶级和新贵族的利益}.

11. Paradise Lost tells how Satanrebelled against God and how Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden.

12. Paradise Lost presents the author’s views in anallegorical form.寓言形式

13. Paradise Lostconsists oftwelve books. It is based on theBiblicallegend of the imaginary progenitors of the human race—Adamand Eve.《失乐园》由十二个书。它是基于圣经传说虚构的祖细胞的人类race-Adam和夏娃。

14. John Milton’s Paradise Lost ends with the departure of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.

15. Paradise Lost is a long epic divided into 12 books, the stories of which are taken from The Old Testament.《旧约》。

16. Milton gave us the only _ epic叙事诗_ since Beowulf, and Bunyan 班扬(姓氏);英国

的传教士gave us the only great _allegory _.寓言

17. Bunyan’s most important work is Pilgrim’s Progress, written in the old-fashioned,

medieval form of _allegory__ and ___dream_.

18. The Pilgrim’s Progress is the most successful religious allegory in the English


19. The Pilgrim’s Progress begins with a man called Christiansetting out with a book in{18世纪基督教英国文学中的清教文学,代表了资产阶级和新贵族的利益}.

his hand a great load on his back from the city of Destuction.

20. _John Donne _is famous for his metaphysical conceit, that is, a parison

between the two strikingly resembling objects. 约翰·多恩所在的著名的为他的形而上学的自负,也就是说,两个惊人地类似对象之间的比较。

21. Samson Agoniste was written by John Milton.

22. “If thou be’est he—but oh how fallen! How unchanged /From him!—who in the

happy realms of light,/clothed with transcendent brightness,/did’st outshine/Myriads, though bright…” are the lines from Milton’s Paradise Lost spoken to Beelzebub by Satan.

1. The enlighteners repudiate拒绝 the false religious doctrines主义 about the viciousness堕

落 of human nature, and prove that man is bornkind and honest, and if he bees depraved,堕落腐化 it is only due to the influence of corrupted social environment.

2. We study eighteenth century writings in three main divisions: the reign of so-called, the

revival ofromanticpoetry, and the beginnings of the modern novel.

3. The 18th century England is known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason.理性时

代“If the censure of Yahoos could any way affect me, I should have great reason to plain that some of them are so bold as to think my book of travels a mere fiction out of mine own brain.” This quotation is selected from Gulliver’s Travels.格列夫游记

4. The Yahoos are attacked by the writer named Jonathan Swift乔纳森·斯威夫特in his fantasy

work bearing the title Gulliver’s Travels.

5. The image of an enterprising Englishman of the 18th century was created by Daniel Defoe in

his famous novelRobinson Crusoe.

6. Henry Fielding has been regarded as “______”, for his contribution to the establishment of

the form of the modern novel. (Father of the English Novel)

7. In his world-famous novelTom JonesJonathan Swift typified the bourgeois world, drew

ruthless pictures of the depraved aristocracy and satirically portrayed the whole of the English State system.

8. The exciting tale of Robinson Crusoe is largely _an adventure _ story, rather than the study of

human character.鲁宾逊漂流记的激动人心的故事主要是_一个冒险_的故事,而不是人类性格的研究。

9. Jonathan Swift was born of English parents inDublin Ireland.

10. Of all the romantic poets of the 18th century, Blake is the most independent and the most


11. The Songs of Experienceare in marked contrast with The Songs of Innocence.The brightness

of the earlier work gives place to a sense of gloom and mystery, and of the power ofevil.

12. Robert Burns’ poetry is bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of the Scottish mon


13. Elegy Witten in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray is taken as a model of sentimentalist

poetry, esp. the Graveyard School

14. Friday is a character in the novel Robinson Crusoe.

15. Auld Lang Syne written by Robert Burns deals with friendship and has long bee a

universal parting song of all the English-speaking countries.往时由罗伯特·伯恩斯处理友谊和长期以来成为一个普遍的所有英语国家的离别之歌。

1. Romanticism as a literary movement came into being in England early in the

latter half of the ____18th____century

2. William Blake and Robert Burnsrepresented the spirit of what is usually called


3. With the publication of William Wordsworth’s ____Lyrical Ballads_____ in

collaboration with S. T. Coleridge, romanticism began to bloom and found a firm place in the history of English literature.

4. The Romanticism was generally influenced by the Industrial Revolution and


5. Liberty, equality and fraternity自由、平等、博爱were the watchwords of the French


6. The eighteenth century was distinctively an age of _prose_. The Age of

Wordsworth—like the Age of Shakespeare—was decidedly an age of ____poetry_____.

7. In 1798, ___WilliamWordsworth_____and Samuel Taylor Coleridge published a joint

volume of poetry entitled Lyrical Ballads, which became a landmark in English poetry. (William Wordsworth)

8. Many of Wordsworth’s poems in the Lyrical Ballads were devoted to the position

of landless and homelesspeasants.华兹华斯关心无家可归者。

9. In his poems Wordsworth aimed at simplicity & purity of the language, fighting

against the conventional forms of the 18th century poetry. 简答和纯真

10. The definition that “all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful

feelings” was written by ________ in ________. (William Wordsworth,Lyrical Ballads)抒情诗集(书名)

11. ‘Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty,”–that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

This quotation is selected from __Ode on a Grecian Urn__ by _John Keats_.希腊古瓮颂(济慈诗歌)

12. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage is a ____travelogue_旅行见闻讲演____ narrated by a

melancholy, passionate, well-read and very eloquent tourist.

13. Byron chose for his poems the poem stanza.

14. ___Don Juan____, Byron’s greatest work, was written in the prime of his creative

power, in the years 1818-1823.

15. As a leading Romanticist, Byron’s chief contribution is his creation of the “Byronic

Hero”, a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin.

16. The long narrative poem the story of Endymion, the Latmian shepherd beloved

by the moon-goddess, ___Selene___, was published in 1818.

17. The English Romantic period produced two major novelists: Scott and Jane Austen



第一章 古代欧洲文学{18世纪基督教英国文学中的清教文学,代表了资产阶级和新贵族的利益}.

1、 古希腊文学的四个分期:




萨福是一位女诗人,柏拉图称她为“第十位文艺女神”(希腊神话中有九位文艺女神)。 品达罗斯的诗被17世纪的古典主义诗人称为“崇高诗歌”的典范。




2、 希腊神话


