

篇一:《studying abroad》

1.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad/working abroad for a period of time.


1. New challenges, new opportunities, new experience and new friends.

2. Learn advanced science and technology/academic .

3. Receive a different education. Have easy access to the first-rate facilities[fə'silitiz] and get oneself acquainted with the latest development in science and technology. 一流的设施------熟知的---

4. Broaden one’s scope of knowledge/widen one’s horizon/broaden one’s mind.拓宽自己的知识范围/拓宽自己的视野/扩大一个人的头脑。

6. Develop a far broader outlook on life .发展更远大的人生观 7.Master a fluent foreign language.掌握一门流利的外语。

8.Better prospects / promising future更好的前景/前景

9. Enhance interpersonal skills and learn to be independent.提高人际交往能力,学会独立。

10.By looking at one’s own country from the outside, one can best see the strengths and weaknesses of one’s motherland.通过在自己的国家从外面看,最能看到的祖国的长处和短处。

11.Study abroad gives you a lifetime chance to learn in world class institutions with latest technology, to be a part of an exciting, dynamic culture.出国留学为您提供了一个千载难逢的机会,学习最新的技术与世界一流学府,是一个令人兴奋的,动态的文化的一部分。

12. Enjoy education which has a world class reputation and its facilities are world class. 享受其中有一个世界级的声誉及其设施都是世界一流的教育。

14. wide range of courses from internationally recognized universities.广泛的国际认可的大学课程。

16. Highly qualified, well experienced teaching staffs and excellent research facilities.高素质,经验丰富的教师队伍和优秀的科研设施。

17. Multicultural society.多元文化的社会

18. If you want to try something new or experience a new culture, this is the best time for you to take advantage of constructive years out and really have fun. 如果你想尝试新的东西或体验一种新的文化,这是你采取了建设性年的优势,真正有乐趣的最好时机。

19. Overseas students are often described as more confident, independent and worldly wise than their homeland counterparts. These qualities will help you to stand out from the crowd and form some of the core petencies looked for by employers later on in life.


20. Overseas study lets you immerse yourself in a country and really get to know the language and its culture from the inside.海外留学让你沉浸在自己的国家,真正了解由内而外的语言和文化。

21.Overseas study is now an immense asset in the petitive job market. Some of the qualities gained from going abroad include greater global awareness, language learning, cross-cultural munication, enhanced independence, improved self-confidence and adaptability. 海外留学,现在是一个巨大的资产,在竞争激烈的就业市场。一些素质获得了出国包括更大的全球意识,语言学习,跨文化的沟通,增强独立性,提高了自信心和适应能力。

22. Studying abroad is the ideal chance to travel, make new friends, expand your horizons and

learn more about both the world and yourself It may help you to realize what you want to do in your responsibility, useful work experience and helps you to integrate with other people. 出国留学,是理想的旅游,结交新朋友,扩大你的视野,了解更多有关世界和自己,它可以帮助你实现你想要做你的责任,有益的工作经验的机会,并帮助你整合与其他人。

23. It will change your life and put you a step ahead of the rest. Study abroad can offer you an exciting, challenging and valuable opportunity. It will broaden your view of the world and those around you. It’s a valuable experience and one that you will never forget. 它会改变你的生活,并把你领先一步的休息。出国留学可以为您提供一个令人兴奋的,具有挑战性和宝贵的机会。这将拓宽你的世界观和你周围的人。这是一个宝贵的经验,你将永远不会忘记。

24.The qualities you develop will help to form some of the core petencies looked for by employers. Employers want graduates who can work well in teams, think independently, municate effectively and make informed decisions, all of which you will learn by overseas study.


25.There is no doubt that your overseas study will change you in some way or another. You will develop a broader mind, a wider understanding of the world around you, better social skills, improved self-confidence and you’ll be more adaptable. 思维开阔,更加了解周边的世界,社交能力增强,更加自信----适应能力更强。


1. A brain drain / outflow of talents, because many of them won’t return after graduation. 人才流失

2. Suffer from psychological problems; loneliness, homesickness, disorientation, depression, and inferiority plex. 心理问题,孤独,想家,迷惑,消沉,自卑感。

3. A great financial strain; costly tuition fee and higher living expenses. Managing on a limited budget is challenge for most, but it is especially so for people living in an unfamiliar environment. Students may have to pay for education and living expenses, find a reasonable place to live and, in some cases, a part-time job to supplement any scholarship or money from home. 经济负担,昂贵的学费,生活费用,不熟悉的,奖学金

4. Language barrier.

5. Experience cultural shock for lack of adequate knowledge of the customs and the lifestyle of the local people. Differences in the style and traditions of learning between Western and Asian countries frequently cause difficulty. (This involves getting used to the new country and different way of life,customs, and values. In addition, students also have to deal with the sense of loss(missing family, friends, familiar food and places.) These issues are usually referred to by the term ”culture shock”

6. Their early contact with society adds greatly to the worries of their parents. Our society is full of evil temptations and young people can hardly resist them. 邪恶的诱惑,抵制

7. They may have experiences of racial intolerance and the relatively low level of contact that overseas students have with local people. Students often report being unfortable about generalized discrimination, 种族狭隘心理,歧视,当地人

8. They are immature and are vulnerable to social evils. 不成熟的,易受到社会恶习腐蚀

9. Many overseas students find it difficult to adapt to Western notions of independent thinking and learning. Students from some countries may also have difficulty because they lack experience in using well-equipped libraries and laboratories.独立思考和学习。

10.Many students are not used to looking after themselves. At home, parents and family usually assist them in coping with shopping, cooking, personal finances and generally managing their affairs. Overseas, all of these things must be done without the family’s support.


成就感 a sense of achievement

大学生的 undergraduate adj.

腐败,堕落 corrupt

孤独寂寞 loneliness n.

孤独的 isolated adj.

归国留学生 returned student

极大的财富 an immense asset

骄傲的自大的 cocky adj.

精华,精锐,中坚分子 elite [ei’li:t]

景点 scenic spot

令。。。熟悉 be acquainted with

盲从de sequacious / si’kweis--/

全球意识 global awareness

人才短缺 shortage of talent

人际交往能力interpersonal skill

上瘾的 be addicted to

社交能力 social skill

生活费 living allowance

生活费用 living expenses , maintenance

失落感 a sense of loss

同伴的影响 peer influence

同居,同居生活 cohabitation

文化渗透 cultural penetration

文化同化 cultural assimilation

文化遗产 cultural heritage,cultural legacy

文物 cultural relics

误入歧途 err from the right path, go astray

营养失调,营养不良 malnutrition

遇到麻烦 run into trouble

增进友谊 promote friendship







With the rapid development of society, we have entered an era of information explosion. In order to acquire more knowledge, more and more people decide to further their study abroad. Studying abroad brings about many advantages. It widens students' knowledge and horizons, and meanwhile cultivates their independence and personalities.

Firstly, students can learn advanced knowledge and experience abroad. Since the reform and the policy of opening to the outside world, China has strengthened cooperation with many countries. As a result, the scientific and technological level has been improved very rapidly. However, pared with the developed countries in the world, we still have a very long way to go. Studying abroad provides opportunities to students, who can learn advanced knowledge and management experience, so as to enhance the scientific level in our country.




上海大学老师在谈到中国商学院的案例教学时,这样说道:“案例学习对于中国学生而言是个新生事物。有些学生认为案例只不过 是教师用来活跃课堂气氛的工具。他们没有意〔1〕识到案例学习的价值所在。”

事实上,案例教学法是变革式的,它完全不同于传统的教学方式。但是,我 们也不难理解为什么会有许多人仅仅把它看作对传统教学方式的补充。

在世界范围内,大部分学生接受的都是讲座和教科书式的教育。这种教学模 式可以有效地灌输知识。教师和课本是知识的源头,学生负责接收,然后通过作 业和考试来检验他们的理解程度。

讲座模式具有很大的确定性。教师所传授的知识一般不容置疑,而且他们会 对主要问题给出标准答案。一个简单的例子就是计算复利时所用的公式。如果你 在知道利息率和复利率的情况下,想要计算一笔资金存人银行一段时间后的本息 之和,那么运用这个公式就可以得出正确的答案。

在讲座模式中,教师是某一学科的权威,因此主导整个教学过程。知识的流 动 是单向的,只能从教师流向学生。 讲座模式的学习主要有三大特点: “它是一种自上而下灌输式的教育。 “它重视确定性。 #答案有对错之分。 案例教学法与此截然不同: #它是一种多方位的学习。 #它允许不确定性、偶然性和冲突。 “答案没有对错之分,只是鼓励作出更加合适的回答。

案例学习是多方位的,并非自上而下的灌输式,因为收获来自所有参与者思 想火花的碰撞,其中也包括教师。解读案例没有一条固定的途径,每个人都可以 贡献自己的观点。有时,错误和过失反倒可以给人以启发(在讲座模式中,错误 就是错误;)。

由于案例源自现实世界,因此必然存在不确定性。案例中数据和信息的不完 整或不明

^ 8 V 确会给分析带来难度,没有人可以准确地预测未来。消费者对于一款新 产品的反应会像公

司所预想的那样吗?公司可能了解消费者对于其他产品或类似 产品的反应,但预测都是基于过去的事实,所以具有很大的不确定性。如果消费 者的行为不同于预期,那么原先看起来合适的决策反而可能产生负面效果。

不确定性是案例教学法和讲座模式的最大区别之一。中国科学技术大学管理学院的周密老师指出:“中国学生总是希望老师可以提供一个确定的标准答案。” 哈佛商学院的毕业生建议:“大家在分析案例的时候应该考虑多种可能的 解决方案。”

采用案例教学法究竟有哪些好处呢?简而言之,它可以使你成为一名更加优 秀的管理者。认为:“案例学习不是为了寻找正确答案,而是为了培养一 种处理问题的思考能力。”青岛大学的老师指出:“即使你有丰富 的实际管理经验,也需要通过案例学习来拓宽分析思路。”北京理工大学老师强调:“案例比教材中的理论知识重要得多。”

理论只有通过使用才能产生价值。想要学会使用理论,听课是远远不够的。 案例分析为你提供了一个宝贵的学习机会。你可以放手练习,而不必担心丢掉工 作或者对公司造成损失。


正规的案例都是建立在细致研究基础上的。案例分 析的对象千差万别,可以是个人、

组织,乃至整个国家或地区。案例的页数也从 1页至50多页不等。但是它们有着相同的目的:反映现实、描述情境。

教科书一般都是高度结构化的,条理非常清晰。例如,组织行为学教材会将个体行为分成若干部分,然后依次进行详细的讲解。课本对于问题的界定和解释都 很明确,便于读者理解。然而,真实的商业情境往往并不合乎逻辑,甚至有些混 乱。案例同样也是如此。案例之于商科学生,就好比实验室之于科学家,或者临床部之于医生。














案例主人公可能会有一些结论性的陈述,你不能盲目相信,必须想一想是否与他的 自身利益和认知局限有关。


4、案例看起来采用的是线性结构,有导言、结论,还有一系列的标题、小标 题、图表。导言和结论所提供的信息有时价值不大,但通常都有一定的作用。标 题和小标题将案例分成若干部分,类似于教科书或报纸文章。不过, 相关信息往往会分散在整个案例之中。{在国外留学提供了一个拓宽经验的机会,同时也提出了负面影响的危险来自于主人的文化。你有什么看法?出国留学是一件好事吗?陈述你的观点和理由。不少于200个单词。}.

这就要求你在信息之间寻找联系,然后把它们整合起来,获得一个更加清晰 的认识。缺乏经验的学生会用阅读教科书的方式来分析案例。当他们读完一遍案 例之后,常常头脑混乱、万分沮丧,于是就一遍又一遍地重新阅读,但依旧毫无 头绪。事实上,他们应该反思一下自己阅读案例的方式。



 首先,你要能够分析案例。分析目标是把各种未知和不确定的因素加以考虑,


 其次,你还要能够将自己的想法进行准确的表达。

