



69. You’d better

70. get ready for / prepare for

71. keep running

72. so hard that

73. took me three years to make my dream e true




69. It’s time

70. Why not

71. kept on having lessons/ continued to have lessons/ went on having lessons

72. neither playing football nor playing basketball/ playing neither football nor basketball

73. stopped doing exercise so that he put on weight



69. It’s time

70. ask/invite you to

71. What’s wrong

72. I can help her with some housework

73. rained / was raining so heavily that we could not go out



69. It’s time

70. didn’t understand; until

71. are getting ready for

72. I don’t think

73. is looking forward to showing his new


69. You’d better

70. It’s good for

71. as popular as

72. were getting ready for

73. regards his friends as his family members and he is glad to help them out



69. You’d better

70. Would/ Could/Will you please

71. didn't (have a) rest until

72. the more you will realize how little

73.( try to) take the bus as much as possible (in order ) to make the air cleaner



69. Hurry up! It’s time for / to have supper.

70. Since it is far, why not / why don’t you go there by car?

71. The snow was so beautiful that I took many pictures that day.

72. Tell him not to stop us from trying out new ideas.

73. Usually people don’t realize the importance of knowing some knowledge

about fire fighting until fires happen / a fire happens.


69. Why not / Why don’t you

70. is famous for

71. as much as possible

72. finished writing

73. I don’t think (that) it is right to spend playing


九、完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)

69. Why not

70. Will/Would/Could you please

71. was late for

72. neither cold nor hot

73. She not only goes to school but also helps them with


69. Why not

70. You’d better not

71. not only…but also…

72. didn’t buy…until

73. I don’t think it’s necessary to look up every word


69.Why not

70.Tell him not to talk

71.I used to laugh at

72.It took me 6 years to ,we spend thinking

73.Thank you for helping me get through, you are not only my mother but also my friend.


69.What about

70.Let`s go

71.won`t ,until

72.the more time we spend on, the better

73.Some would like to study, others prefer going abroad




69. 干嘛不给他买本英文字典?他太需要了。

 ______ buy him an English dictionary? He is in great need of it.

70. 雨下得太大了,你最好别出去。

It’s raining so hard. ______ go out.

71. 我们不仅要学知识,还要学技能。

We should learn ______ knowledge ______ skills.

72. 小明直到攒够了钱才把那个飞机模型买回来。

Xiao Ming _____ the model plane ______ he saved enough money.

73. 我认为阅读时没必要逢词便查。

______ in a dictionary while reading.



69. 为什么不和你的朋友一起去度假呢?

_____________ spend your holiday with your friends?

70. 房间里有点儿热。请你打开窗户好吗?

It’s a little hot in the room. ________________ open the window?

71. 由于睡过头了,他昨天上学迟到了。 72. 今天不冷不热,我们去散步吧。

It’s __________________. Let go out for a walk.

73. 刘芸芸的父母身体很不好,她既要上学还要帮助他们做家务。

Liu Yunyun’s parents are in poor health. __________________the housework.




69. 你看起来很累。为什么不休息一会儿呢? 70. 怀柔因慕田峪长城而著名。

Mu Tianyu Great Wall.

72. 我可以出去散步吗?我已经写完了报告。

May I go out for a walk? I have already __________ the report.

73. 我认为在玩电脑游戏上花太多的时间是不对的。

___________________________ too much time_______ puter games.




69. 快点!该吃晚饭了。

Hurry up! _________________________ supper.

70. 既然路很远,为什么不开车去呢?

Since it is far, _____________________________ by car?

71. 那天的雪太美了,我照了好多照片。

The snow ________________________I took many pictures that day.

72. 告诉他,别阻止我们尝试新的设想。{朝阳的句子}.

_______________________________ trying out new ideas.

73. 往往是火灾发生时,人们才意识到了解消防知识的重要性。

Usually people don’t realize __________________________________________.




69. 你最好每天运动一小时来保持健康。

______________ do exercise for an hour a day to keep fit.

70. 你能在我外出的时候浇花吗?

______________ water the flowers while I am away?

71. 昨天他直到看完这本书

Yesterday, he_________ he finished reading the book.

72. 学得越多,你就越会意识到自己知道德有多么少。

The more you learn,______________ you know.

73. 为了使北京的空气更洁净,我们要尽量多乘坐公交车。

We should _______________________ in Beijing.




69. 你感冒了,最好休息一下。

You’ve got a cold. ___________ have a rest.

70. 做出这样的决定对你有好处。

______________________ you to make such a decision.

71. 伦敦奥运会和北京奥运会一样受欢迎。

London 2012 Olympic Games were ___________________ Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

72. 昨天老师进教室的时候,我们正在准备班会。

We _______________ the class meeting when the teacher came into the classroom yesterday.

73. 迈克总是把他的朋友们当作家人, 并且他很




根据中文意思完成句子。 才休息。

第二篇:《朝阳一模单选 还原句子 完成句子》



21. --Are these books ______, Dad?

--Yes. I’m looking for them. Thank you. A. yours B. his C. hers D. theirs 22. New York is a good place to visit _____May or December

A. on B. in C. at D. for 23. -- Can you play football?

--Yes, ________ I can't play it very well.

A. and B. or C. so D .but

24. Excuse me, sir. I bought the shoes yesterday, but they are in different sizes. One is Size 37 and ________ is Size 38.

A. other B. another C. the other D. others 25. I’m alone at home. My parents ______ Shanghai on business and will be back next week.

A. have been to B. have gone to C. has been to D. has gone to 26. --Can I speak to Mr. Black?

--I am sorry, but he _____ an important meeting now.

A. has B. had C. will have D. is having 27. All the students in my class ____ hard-working.

A. am B. is C. are D. be 28. Grandpa is sleeping. You ______ play the guitar.

A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. wouldn’t D. won’t 29. --Don’t always make Tony _____ this or that. He is already a big boy. --Maybe you’re right.

A. do B. done C. to do D. doing 30. -- ________ do you visit your grandparents?

-- Once a week.

A. How soon B. How often C. How far D. How long 31. I ______an English book when the bell rang.

A. read B. will read C. am reading D. was reading 32. Life today is ______ than that in the old days.

A. good B. best C. better D. the best 33. Difficult work ______ easy if you do it very carefully.

A. bee B. became C. will bee D.has bee 34. My e-mail ______ to you last night. Have you received it yet?

A. sends B. sent C. is sent D. was sent 35. --It’s raining. Maybe we can go out when the rain stops. --But do you know ______?

A. when the rain will stop B. when the rain stopped C. when will the rain stop D. when did the rain stop 完成句子

70. 让我帮助你拎这个又大又沉的箱子吧。

________________you carry the big and heavy box. 71. 冰箱出什么故障了? 噪音太大。

________________the fridge? It’s so noisy. 72. 别长时间玩电脑,那对你的眼睛有害。

Don’t play puter games too long. ________________your eyes.

73. 昨晚我的朋友林娜缠着我在电话里说了半个小时。(keep doing)

My friend Lin Na ________________on the phone for half an hour last night.

74. 现在城市里越来越多的成年人花费空闲时间到大学去努力提高自己。

Now more and more city adults________________improve themselves at college.


“Can I have a bag of salt?’’ The dog had money in his mouth, too, so Jack took the money and placed the salt in the dog’s mouth. Jack was very surprised and since it was closing time, he decided to close the shop and follow the dog. When the dog came to a crossing, he waited for the lights to turn green before crossing the road.

but didn’t get on. A few minutes later, another bus came and this time the dog climbed on. The bus traveled through the city and the dog kept looking out of bus. He then got off with the salt still in his mouth.

When the dog got home, he knocked at the door and a man who seemed a little angry opened it. Jack ran up and said to the man, “Your dog is so clever. He could be on TV!” “You call this clever? This is the second

time this silly dog has forgotten his key.”



1. 人生似一束鲜花,仔细观赏,才能看到它的美丽;人生似一杯清茶,细细品味,才能赏出真味道。我们应该从失败中、从成功中、从生活品味出人生的哲理。

2. 生命是盛开的花朵,它绽放得美丽,舒展,绚丽多资;生命是精美的小诗,清新流畅,意蕴悠长;生命是优美的乐曲,音律和谐,宛转悠扬;生命是流淌的江河,奔流不息,滚滚向前。

3. 生活如花,姹紫嫣红;生活如歌,美妙动听;生活如酒,芳香清醇;生活如诗,意境深远,绚丽多彩.

4. 生活是一位睿智的长者,生活是一位博学的老师,它常常春风化雨,润物无声地为我们指点迷津,给我们人生的启迪。

5. 生命的美丽,永远展现在她的进取之中;就像大树的美丽,是展现在它负势向上高耸入云的蓬勃生机中;像雄鹰的美丽,是展现在它搏风击雨如苍天之魂的翱翔中;像江河的美丽,是展现在它波涛汹涌一泻千里的奔流中。

6. 人生是美好的,又是短暂的。有的人生寂寞,有的人生多彩,不同的人有着不同的人生追求;人生是一条没有回程的单行线,每个人都用自己的所有时光前行。

7. 生活,就是面对现实微笑,就是越过障碍注视未来;生活,就是用心灵之剪,在人生之路上裁出叶绿的枝头;生活,就是面对困惑或黑暗时,灵魂深处燃起豆大却明亮且微笑的灯展。

8. 人生就像一座山,重要的不是它的高低,而在于灵秀;人生就像一场雨,重要的不是它的大小,而在于及时。

9. 成熟是一种明亮而不刺眼的光辉,一种圆润而不腻耳的音响,一种不需要对别人察颜观色的从容,一种终于停止了向周围申诉求告的大气,一种不理会哄闹的微笑,一种洗刷了偏激的淡漠,一种无须声张的厚实,一种并不陡峭的高度。

10. 人生如一本书,应该多一些精彩的细节,少一些乏味的字眼;人生如一支歌,应该多一些昂扬的旋律,少一些忧伤的音符;人生如一幅画,应该多一些亮丽的色彩,少一些灰暗的色调。

11. 生活是一部大百科全书,包罗万象;生活是一把六弦琴,弹奏出多重美妙的旋律:生活是一座飞马牌大钟,上紧发条,便会使人获得浓缩的生命。

12. 人生的路漫长而多彩,就像在天边的大海上航行,有时会风平浪静,行驶顺利;而有时却会是惊涛骇浪,行驶艰难。但只要我们心中的灯塔不熄灭,就能沿着自己的航线继续航行。人生的路漫长而多彩:在阳光中我学会欢笑,在阴云中我学会坚强;在狂风中我抓紧希望,在暴雨中我抓紧理想;当我站在中点回望,我走出了一条属于我的生之路。


1. 早晨,太阳像个刚出门的新媳妇,羞答答地露出半个脸来。

2. 太阳慢慢地透过云霞,露出了早已胀得通红的脸庞,像一个害羞的小姑娘张望着大地。

3. 太阳更低了,血一般的红,水面上一条耀人眼睛的广阔的光波,从海洋的边际直伸到小